Intermittent Fasting
I have been doing a lot of research on the subject of Intermittent Fasting ever since I saw a documentary on YouTube called Eat, Fast, and Live Longer. This film followed Dr. Michael Mosley on his journey to find the healthiest way to reverse illness and help increase his life. In the film he ventured to America where several Doctors are doing testing on the effects of fasting. Dr. Jason Fung found that fasting in mice increased life expectancy by months which equaled years in humans. Another Doctor named Dr. Krista Varady was doing studies on Alternate Day Fasting which lead to weight loss. After visiting with both of those Doctors Dr. Mosley tried fasting. First for 3 days and next for alternate days. He found that fasting improved his blood levels but didn't last when he started eating normally again. Only lasted a few weeks at best. So he decided to do what he deemed the five and 2 diet. He would eat normally for five days out of the week and fast for two days out of the week. His results was amazing. He lost a good bit of weight and the fasting improved his blood levels again. He wrote two books, one about fasting called the fast diet and the second was on HIIT exercise.
On Monday I started my fast. I took what I learned through research and decided on a three to four day fast alternating eating between days. The Fasting days I call Down Days or DD and the eating days I call Up Days or UD. On a DD I am allowed up to 600 calories which I do not always get. On a UD I can have a normal amount of calories, usually about 2000. It is best to eat healthy on UD but as long as you stay in calorie range and do right on your DD you will see results. It has been just a few days and I am already down five pounds.
I can not say how this will do for long term but I can say it is easy for me to stick to. All I can say is that I am going to see this through for a month or two and if I do not see steady results I will go back to counting calories which will be hard. I am keeping myself calm with this blog and I have been doing some videos on my YouTube channel. I am keeping my mind busy so I do not think of food. I am also going to therapy and while it hasn't helped much I do believe it will in the long run. Together with fasting I will finally have a little control of my life and for me that is a nearly impossible feat.
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